Paul Reed Smith - The Original Dragon Two seminal moments occurred in college that made him determined to become a professional guitar builder. The first was gaining notoriety as a guitar tech by repairing Danny Gatton’s Les...
Epiphone Olympics In 1964 Epiphone kept the Olympic naming convention, but introduced a radically different body style. However, the body style wasn't new and first appeared in 1958 as the Coronet, Crestwood, and...
Early Ibanez Artists The Bob Weir Standard and Randy Scruggs. Bob Weir was the first Ibanez endorsed artist with his model 2680 in 1975. Ibanez followed-up signature models for George Benson in 1977 and...
Gretsch Solid Bodies During the guitar craze of the 1960s household named guitar manufacturers became the target of acquisitions and most did not let the opportunity pass them by. Fender went to CBS...
Hagstrom Viking Headquartered in Alvdalen, Sweden Hagstrom began manufacturing their own accordions in 1932 and slowly diversified into the acoustic/classical guitar category in the 1940s. Hopping on the electric guitar bandwagon in 1958...
Martin Electric Guitars Many guitar enthusiasts do not realize C.F. Martin made several attempts to crack the electric guitar market. And we're not talking about the imported Sigma or Stinger electrics, we're talking solidbody...